The Cairo International Women’s Film Festival Egypte. Threes Anna won the only price on the festival: the Audience Award
Film Festival Flix. ‘Silent City’ was the September film and toured the USA. The American distributor submitting ‘Silent City’ for an Independent Spirit Award nomination (the Oscars for the independent movies).
Uçan Süpürge Film Festival in Ankara Turkey
Rome Independant Film Festival Italia
Prague International Film Festival Czechoslovakia
Pantalla Pinamar 2013 Argentina
Luxembourg City Film Festival Luxembourg
Göteborg International Film Festival Sweden
International Film Festival Mannheim Heidelberg in competition, got the Cinema Owners’ Recommendation.
International Women’s film festival Israel competition and in the jury of the national competition
CANBERRA international film festival in competition
Lens Politica in Helsinki Finland
Openings film on the Camera Japan Featival 2012 in Rotterdam.
Dutch premiere and in competition on the Dutch FF. Nominations for best production design and press price.
World premiere and in competition on the San Sebastian IFF